Environmental Studies-I

Semester I

1. Environment and Ecosystem (13 Lec.)
Environment : Meaning, definition, scope and its components; concept of an ecosystem: definition, characteristics, components and types, functioning and structure; Food Chain and Food Web – Ecological Pyramids – Man and environment relationship; Importance and scope of Environmental Studies.

2. Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (13 Lec.)
Meaning and definitions; Classification and types of resources, factors influencing resource utilization; Resource conservation – meaning and methods – conventional and non-conventional resources, problems associated with and management of water, forest and energy resources – resource utilization and sustainable development

3. Populations and Emerging Issues of Development (13 Lec.)
Population explosion in the world and in India and arising concerns – Demographic Transition Theory – pattern of population growth in the world and in India and associated problems – Measures taken to control population growth in India; Human population and environment – Environment and Human Health – Human Development Index – The World Happiness Index

4. Urbanisation and Environment (13 Lec.)
Concept of Urbanisation – Problems of migration and urban environment – changing land use, crowding and stress on urban resources, degradation of air and water, loss of soil cover impact on biodiversity, Urban heat islands – Emerging Smart Cities and safe cities in India – Sustainable Cities

5. Reading of Thematic Maps and Map Filling (8 Lec.)
Reading of Thematic Maps (4 Lec.)
Located Bars, Circles, Pie Charts, Isopleths, Choropleth, and Flow Map, Pictograms – Only reading and interpretation.
Map Filling : (4 Lec.)
Map filling of World (Environmentally significant features) using point, line and polygon segment.

Environmental Studies – II

Semester II

1. Solid Waste Management for Sustainable Society (13 Lec.)
Classification of Solid Wastes – Types and Sources of Solid Waste ; Effects of Solid Waste Pollution – Health hazards, Environmental Impacts;
Solid Waste Management – solid waste management in Mumbai – Schemes and initiatives run by MCGM – Role of citizens in waste management in urban and rural areas.

2. Agriculture and Industrial Development (13 Lec.)
Environmental Problems Associated with Agriculture: Loss of Productivity, Land Degradation, Desertification – Uneven Food Production – Hunger, Malnutrition and Food Security – Sustainable Agricultural practices Environmental Problems Associated with Industries – Pollution – Global warming, Ozone Layer Depletion, Acid rain – Sustainable Industrial practices – Green Business and Green Consumerism, Corporate Social Responsibility towards the environment

3. Tourism and Environment (13 Lec.)
Tourism : Meaning, Nature, Scope and importance –Typology of tourism – classification; Tourism potentials in India and challenges before India; New Tourism Policy of India; Consequences of tourism : Positive and Negative Impacts on Economy, Culture and environment – Ecotourism

4. Environmental Movements and Management (13 Lec.)
Environmental Movements in India : Save Narmada Movement, Chipko Movement, Appiko Movement, Save Western Ghats movement; Environmental Management: Concept, need and relevance; Concept of ISO 14000 and 16000; Concept of Carbon Bank and Carbon Credit, EIA, Ecological footprint; Environment Protection Acts; Concept and Components of Geospatial Technology – Applications of GST in Environmental Management

5. Map Filling (08 Lec.)
Map Filling of Konkan and Mumbai (Environmentally Significant Features)